8 September 2024

Thousands pray for world to know love of Jesus Christ

Thousands worldwide are praying for the Thy Kingdom Come event. Picture: iStock

By Stephen Cauchi

31 May 2022

Anglicans have joined thousands of people worldwide praying for more people to know the love of Jesus Christ.

The effort is part of a 10-day Thy Kingdom Come event, between Ascension and Pentecost.

Dean of Melbourne the Very Reverend Dr Andreas Loewe said a key part of the event was praying for five people to come to know Jesus Christ.

St Paul’s Cathedral will host a beacon event on Pentecost Sunday to mark the culmination of Thy Kingdom Come.

Dr Loewe said it was powerful to know that you were doing this together with tens of thousands of people across the world.

“It’s something that you can do wherever you are … whether you’re a large church, whether you’re a small church, whether you’re on your own. It’s something that kids can do, it’s something that the housebound can do,” he said.

For Dr Loewe, the event was also a chance to share his faith with those he was praying for.

“One of the things that I’ve done that’s been very successful has also been telling those people that I’ve been praying for them,” he said.

“That’s led to some amazing conversations and these are people who weren’t Christians beforehand. A number of them have come to faith over the years – it’s a cumulative effect and it builds up.

“I think a lot of people find it really, really empowering to be told that somebody is wishing them well, particularly in a kind of society where we’re so busy.”

Dr Loewe said people would share testimonies, and parishes would share about the success of programs, at the St Paul’s beacon event.

St Hilary’s Kew, Brimbank Anglican Church, and Banyule Anglican Parish are also participating in the annual event.

Brimbank Anglican Church vicar the Reverend Dave Thompson said he planned to organize a Thy Kingdom Come event for his parish, as it provided a focus for parishioners to pray.

Thy Kingdom Come runs from 26 May to 5 June. The St Paul’s beacon event will take place at 4pm on Sunday 5 June, at St Paul’s Cathedral. More information is available at: cathedral.org.au/thykingdomcome.

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