24 October 2024

Halos to take the chill away from St Paul’s

St Paul’s Cathedral. Picture: Janine Eastgate

Penny Mulvey

10 July 2024

Synod representatives attending June’s special synod came dressed for the weather. St Paul’s Cathedral, with its soaring ceiling, is not known for its warmth.  

However, that is about to change.  

The cathedral will trial United Kingdom-designed radiant chandeliers known as “Halos” in August-September.  

Dean Andreas Loewe explained this was part of the cathedral’s strategic commitment to sustainability. 

“This investment in greener technology in sustainable heating is a significant milestone in the Chapter’s ambition to reduce our carbon emissions by 2030,” Dean Loewe said. 

The Halo heaters, designed by UK engineers Herschel Infrared, were first successfully used to heat the nave in a local Bristol church in 2022. 

As well as reducing heating costs, the Halos are designed to blend with the cathedral’s overall aesthetic. The infrared panels are integrated into a classic octagonal chandelier, and will not compromise the visual integrity of the cathedral.  

Read more: ‘However bleak it gets … God has called us to make a difference’

Installer Capisco Australia managing director Mark Coory the heaters were a big deal because they delivered radiant heat, looked terrific, and retained the cathedral’s heritage aesthetic. The St Paul’s crest and the individual heraldic symbols have been integrated into the design. 

Mr Coory said that up to 70 per cent of the energy consumed by any church was based around heating the building, and this meant that the right heating was an important choice to achieve carbon and energy reduction goals. 

Dean Loewe said St Paul’s was committed to reducing carbon emissions because Christians were called by God to steward his good creation.  

“I hope that experiencing the positive effect of these fully carbon neutral ‘Halos’ in the cathedral next winter will also encourage other heritage places to invest in sustainable heating,” he said. 

Grant funding from the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation and the William Angliss Charitable Fund is enabling the cathedral to introduce this new eco-friendly heating. 

The cathedral is raising $175,000 to cover the remaining costs for the heaters. A facility to make tax deductible donations through the Melbourne Anglican Cultural Organisation has been set up. Donors should make sure to select “Melbourne Anglican Cultural Organisation Inc (MACO)” and then the “Light up St Paul’s” options. 

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