25 April 2024

Faith in action has encouraged me in church growth initiatives

I’m glad that we can start the New Year with our second “Leading your Church into Growth” training. Clergy and lay leaders will join with our local and visiting facilitators to share knowledge that can have immediate impact in our local ministry contexts.

May the Spirit’s wisdom inspire us as we walk together

Just as the Catholic Church was challenged to explore and implement more participatory synodality, so Anglicans were challenged to re-receive synodality especially in its character of spiritual discernment as a means of unity.  

As salt of the earth, we must petition for peace

Archbishop Philip Freier 2 July 2023 There is little doubt that we are entering a period of increased militarisation in our own country, in our region and generally throughout the world. The cost of military equipment is staggering, as is the failure in many cases of delivering these projects on budget and on time. The […]