25 April 2024

Ten years bringing hope to dark places

Prison chaplains are Christ’s ambassadors to those in prison, taking the good news that reconciliation with God is possible for everyone, even (or especially) from dark place.

Many shaken, but disasters bring out best in Mansfield church community

FOR Mansfield’s Anglican parishioners an earthquake is just the latest challenge to overcome.

They have already made it through devastating fires and a pandemic within the past two years. On Wednesday they were at the epicentre of one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded in Victoria.

Ten things I wish others knew about crisis before trying to offer support

The Revd Jude Benton, priest-in-charge of the Cooperating Parish of Croajingolong, was on the ground during the devastating Mallacoota and Cann River bushfires and has stayed and served the community since then. Here, she offers her advice on how clergy and congregation members can best support people during crises like bushfires, and highlights some of the common responses by well-meaning people that can actually make life harder.

Marysville’s new Christ Church

On 7 February, 2009 a firestorm engulfed much of Victoria and destroyed, in particular, the townships of Kinglake and Marysville. Ninety per cent of Marysville was destroyed including two beautiful little churches, Christ Church at the northern end of the township, and the Catholic church of Our Lady of the Snows at the southern end. Only the Christ Church sign and cross survived. The Catholic Church brought in a temporary building which has been most generously shared with the Anglican congregation for some years.