19 February 2025

Help needed to get big bell ringing

Holy Trinity Anglican Port Melbourne’s bell without a stand. Picture: Bishop Philip Huggins.

Jenan Taylor

27 June 2022

A Port Melbourne church hopes a ringing bell will call locals to worship, but the bell needs a stand first.

Holy Trinity locum Bishop Philip Huggins has found a church bell with a missing stand in the church courtyard, and is appealing for help to get a suitable one.

Bishop Huggins said it was a good-sized bell that needed a sturdy structure, and the church would be grateful for help from anyone who could help with that.

He said he didn’t know what had happened to the bell, but that it belonged to Holy Trinity.

“We want the bell to sound in Bay Street, Port Melbourne, calling people to worship, recalling that God is present and reminding us that ‘All time is God’s time’, as St Benedict says,” Bishop Huggins said.

He said he had recently met a parish council member who said that he became involved with the church because he had been in bed one Sunday morning when he heard a church bell ringing.

“He turned to his wife and said, ‘I’m going to church,’ and she said, ‘You never go to church. What’s going on? Is there something you’re not telling me?’ and he turned up in church and from then onward found the bell kind of woke up something in his soul,” Bishop Huggins said.

“So, that’s what the power of a bell can be.”

He said he hoped to be able to have the bell operational by September with the help of a St Paul’s bell ringer.

“He’s got the brains and I’ve got the doggedness so between us we reckon well get it going,” Bishop Huggins said.

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