18 February 2025

St Michael’s to host workshop on Uluru Statement from the Heart

Aboriginal Christian Leader Brooke Prentis will be presenting at a workshop at St Michael’s North Carlton in August. Image: Supplied.

Kirralee Nicolle

27 July 2022

A Carlton parish is equipping its members to better understand the significance of the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

Aboriginal Christian Leader Brooke Prentis will be running the event at St Michael’s North Carlton, which she said was a chance to equip attendees with tools to share about the statement with their families, friends and churches.

“The Statement from the Heart is of national importance,” she said.

“Because of the election result, more Christians are talking about [it].”

Ms Prentis said the event would be a chance to listen and respond to the statement.

Read more: Climate action, constitutional voice vital to effective change: Indigenous leaders

“There’s a strong focus on just listening to the words from the Statement from the Heart, and not just listening with mind, but listening with heart and spirit,” she said.

“There’s also a key focus on educating [about] all of the past actions by Aboriginal leaders that have led to [the statement].”

St Michael’s North Carlton established their Reconciliation Action Plan Group in 2017, and group chair Janette Allen said that they were very thankful for the leadership of Brooke Prentis and the opportunity to run the event, which had been postponed twice due to lockdowns.

“We feel that as a church body, this is really important work to do,” she said.

“We feel it’s really important to inform ourselves and connect with Indigenous people.”

The workshop will be held at St Michael’s North Carlton on Saturday 13 August from 10am to 2:30pm.

To find out more or to book, see here.

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