Anglicare Victoria
2 August 2023 // Sponsored
On the 1st of July 1997, Anglicare Victoria was formed by the amalgamation of the Mission to the Streets and Lanes of Melbourne, the Mission of St James and St John, and St John’s Homes for Boys and Girls, weaving together more than a century of caring for families, children and young people.
Since then, we have continued to diversify the services we offer, to help children, young people and families build better tomorrows. We believe every child has the right to a happy and safe childhood, and the successful, innovative programs we run across the state are designed to address the causes of disadvantage.
We are only able to do this important work thanks to the generosity of our donors – supporters like Katherine, who has made the important decision to leave a bequest to Anglicare Victoria in her Will.
Katherine trained as a maths and music teacher, and she loved working with young people and inspiring them to dream big. But in her late 20s, a bout of glandular fever left Katherine unable to work. She couldn’t pay her bills or rent, and she became homeless.
“I felt degraded,” she said. “Living in a difficult situation and having no way out, it’s just beyond indescribable.”
Katherine spent five years couch surfing and camping, until her wonderful friends raised enough money for her to buy a block of land in rural Victoria and build her own home. The trauma of experiencing homelessness made a lasting impact on Katherine, and she says that knowing her friends never gave up on her was what kept her going through those difficult times.
“I realised during that time that when people get to a certain level of disadvantage in their life, they just cannot get out of it without some help,” she said. “It made me think about how I could be generous to other people who needed it.”
Katherine has rebuilt her life because people around her cared. She is once again teaching which is her passion.
Katherine felt it was important to find a way to ‘repay kindness’ shown to her in her time of need. After hearing about the work of Anglicare Victoria through her church, including us in her estate plans was the perfect opportunity. As a teacher one program touched her heart.
“When I was making my Will, I wanted to do something really worthwhile,” Katherine said. “The thing that really caught my eye was Anglicare Victoria’s TEACHaR program.”
TEACHaR (Transforming Education Achievement for Children at Risk) supports young people to stay in school by giving them the extra help they need to remain engaged in their learning, so they can keep up with their classmates and succeed.
In 2022, TEACHaR provided personalised one-on-one tutoring to 314 vulnerable young people, and the results speak for themselves. Full time school attendance doubled among the students who participated, and twice as many young people are on track in terms of their academic performance. With the support of our generous donors, TEACHaR is setting these kids up for a lifelong love of learning and helping them break the cycle of disadvantage.
As a teacher, Katherine understands better than most the impact education can have on the lives of vulnerable young people.
“I think that educational support for kids at risk can be such an important factor in their lives,” she said. “The TEACHaR program makes so much sense to me. It’s so important to give young people that extra help with education to give them the best chance for the future.”
Like Katherine, you can help us continue this important work by remembering Anglicare Victoria in your estate planning.
Writing a Will is a task many of us put off, but it’s so important. Having an up-to-date legal Will helps you ensure that your loved ones are protected, and your wishes are respected. It’s also an opportunity to support the causes that are close to your heart. By leaving a gift to a charity in your Will, you’re leaving a lasting and meaningful expression of your kindness and compassion. As Katherine says: “I hope I can make life better for the young people who’ve had a really hard time.”
Thanks to our supporters Anglicare Victoria has helped thousands of children, young people and families transform their lives. With continued support, just imagine how many more Victorians can look forward to a brighter future.
Visit Gifts in Wills – Anglicare Victoria to watch Katherine’s full story.
If you would like to have a conversation in confidence about leaving a gift in your Will to Anglicare Victoria, please call Mary Croxford on (03) 9412 6006, or email giftsinwills@anglicarevic.org.au.