18 October 2024

Every Day I Hear The Word Of God

June 2024 Edition //Sponsored

Broadcast Facility – Kununurra, Western Australia

‘Every Day I Hear The Word Of God’

For more than 90 years, Reach Beyond (formerly HCJB) has been sharing the message of Jesus, bringing hope, and transforming communities worldwide.

Over the past two decades, this message has been broadcast through shortwave radio from Kununurra in far Northwestern Australia, touching lives across the Asia Pacific region.  Currently broadcasting in over 25 languages every week, and with the help of dynamic media platforms like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, our impact continues to expand.

Reflecting on our remarkable history, I am humbled by the vision and dedication of Clarence Jones, the founder of HCJB, and his contemporaries.  Their unwavering faith and obedience to God’s call serve as a constant inspiration.

I often wonder what they would make of the technological advancements we now utilise to share the Good News of Jesus.  Their response, I believe, would be straightforward: ‘We must keep the main thing the main thing and spread the Word!’

The countless testimonies we receive serve as both encouragement and affirmation of God’s power at work.  One such testimony comes from a WhatsApp listener in India, who shared:

‘Dear Sir, I am so blessed to receive your messages. Every day I hear the word of God. I play the word of God through a loudspeaker in my company. Now, my company is growing financially. There are 45 people in my company who are hearing the word of God every week. I am not a Christian by birth, but now I believe in Jesus and pray every day. Please pray for my family to accept the living God.’

— Hindi WhatsApp listener, India

If you would like to support us in prayer or financially to make a difference in the lives of people around the world go to www.reachbeyond.org.au or click on the following link to watch a video for more information about Reach Beyond.  https://youtu.be/HpWRSZiMHqM?si=RBwuq0DdCiq7Hnf8

Dale Stagg


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